
Yashpal’s Fiction: A Reflection of his Life as a Social and Political Activist

The arrest of Yashpal brought his revolutionary activism to silence. The zest to do something for the betterment of the society at a micro and of the nation at the macro perspective could no longer be achieved as a revolutionary any more. But those who live with the resolve to serve the nation relentlessly cannot stop in any situation. He always kept the promise of remaining committed to the nation alive. The captivity and the four walls of jail could not capture his zeal to serve the nation. He found a remedy to do so even in the foreign confinement. He renounced the use of bullet and recognised the power of pen. He knew that what he could not achieve with his revolutionary fervour would be achieved through his potential as a writer.

His arrest was surely an impediment in the mission to free the nation, but gave his life an opportunity to step into the literary world. What he could not do whole-heartedly because of his dynamic participation in the revolutionary activism now could be done in the prison. In respect to Yashpal’s jail life his companion, C.M.Yohanan quotes in Yashpal ki Kahaani Sansa: Ek Antrang Parichya:

Ruchi Thakur

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