
Gender Paradigms: A Post- Feminist Reading of CarylChurchill’s Top Girls

The study focuses on Caryl Churchill’s play Top Girls from a post feminist perspective. The play was a reaction against policies of the first female prime minister of England Ms. Margaret Thatcher. Marlene in the play represents Ms. Margaret Thatcher and she is a great admirer of Thatcherism. The economic policies carried out the first…


Vedic and Oriental Influences in Ted Hughes’ Poems

The present article aims to explore Ted Hughes‘ interest in Orient and Vedic literature, and how he incorporates their visions in his poetry. The traces of these visions show his concern for culturally deprived science- driven modern western man .His poetic imagination acquires transformational potential with the help of Oriental and Vedic flashes. Without sermonizing,…


The Emergence of a Dalit Progressive Thinker in TheUntouchable Story

The Indian untouchables form a thick crust of faceless and nameless human anthill which has no singer of their own agonies. In social arena, it is the high caste Hindu reformers who weep for them… But what is pitiable is the absence of any literary efforts by the untouchables to stimulate and inspire a genuine…