
Human World in the Eye of Ghulam Ahmad Mahjoor andArchibald Lampman

The paper aims at to prove that how two poets belonging to two different places,languages have defined their particular societies. The methodology used in this paper isComparative one. Under the canvass of comparative literature I have taken the social themesof the two poets Archibald Lampman and Ghulam Ahmad Mahjoor. Archibald Lampman isa Canadian poet writing…


Raewyn Alexander’s Ironic Vision in Fat

A poet, publisher, editor, novelist, and actor, Raewyn Alexander, with the publication of her first novel Fat (1996)1 , makes a path breaking entry into New Zealand’s literary world of fiction. With her emerges a new paradigm of women’s writing which is not anti-male, but probably indirectly pities men. Prior to her, no novelist has…

Ontological Exploration of Jean Rhys in Wide Sargasso Sea

The existential values have always been questioned until a struggle is formulated and identical venture is not achieved. Ontology is the philosophical study of the nature of being, existence or reality in general, as well as of the basic categories of being and their relations. Meanwhile, all the relations including human, historical, social or all…